Monday, July 30, 2007


What a wonderful group of volunteers we have at Christ United! We are so blessed to have such a great Church family. Seeing the the smiling faces of our families was a wonderful tribute to what we all do. We had over 150 wonderful pieces of our Church in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday to watch a slide show of their commitment and eat a GREAT chicken dinner provided by the Hannon family! We are so grateful to each one of you. Those of you who were not there - we do have a small token of our appreciation that we will be sending you ... so watch your mailbox! We hope that each of you will consider continuing your commitment to the Children's Ministry and encourage others to do the same. It is a wonderful ministry and we are so lucky to all be a part of it, from our babies to our "big" kids.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


What a wonderful fellowship!!! We had a wonderful turnout for Ceramics and Sundaes. We were able to paint crosses in a way that fit your unique personality. It was a wonderful way to actually get hands on with such a wonderful sign of what our Savior did for us!!! After the painting ... there were sundaes for all! Ice cream, marshmallows, chocolate syrup, bananas, whipped cream ... you name it! It was a great night to get together and have fun with our Church friends! We cannot wait to see everyone again soon.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Volunteer Appreciation